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Weather you already have a BM3 licence or not you've come to the right place. 


We're offering an exclude deal consisiting of a BootMOD3 licence, Custom TRS tuning and a free switchable map slot. Additional Map slots can be purchased for £75 per slot. 


This is a fully remote service alowing you to recive custom tuning from the comfort of your own home.


Bootmod 3 facilitates datalogging allowing you to make datalogs and for us to revise your tuning until your car is operating at it's potential. 


Bootmod3 is a mobile application developed to provide OBD tuning capability to Fxx and Gxx chassis cars.


We're offering 4 fully custom map slots where you can have 4 different capabilites, for example fuel quaility, power level, overun, antitheft all with BM3 switchable mapping on the fly. 


For those who already have a Bootmod3 (BM3) licence and would like to upgrade to TRS Perfomance fully custom tuning instead of BM3 OTS (off the shelf) tune the price is £480 for the base custom tuning, and £75 for each map slot (maxium of 4) 


Engine Tuning 

Stage 1 TRS Engine Tune 

STG 1 Power increased to 430-440BHP and 620NM of torque. 

*Power figures are climate, fuel quality and vehicle dependant.

*Power figures are real figures we have seen on our dyno, these numbers are sometimes less than seen on other more optimistic dynos. 


Stage 2 TRS Engine Tune 

STG 2 power is increased to 450BHP and 650NM of torque. 

*Power figures are climate, fuel quality and vehicle dependant.

*Power figures are real figures we have seen on our dyno, these numbers are sometimes less than seen on other more optimistic dynos. 


Necessary Hardware upgrades for Stage 2 are:

  • Free Flowing Downpipe/Sports-Cat


Stage 2+ TRS Engine Tune 

STG 2+ power is increased to 470+BHP and 700-720NM of torque when using 99 RON fuel.

*Power figures are climate, fuel quality and vehicle dependant.

*Power figures are real figures we have seen on our dyno, these numbers are sometimes less than seen on other more optimistic dynos. 


Necessary Hardware upgrades for Stage 2+ are:

  • Free Flowing Downpipe/Sports-Cat
  • Upgraded "B58TU" High Pressure Fuel Pump
  • We recomend one step colder NGK Iridium Spark Plugs or BMW TU spark plugs. 


Features include:

  • Enable Overrun in Drive/Sport/Sport+/Manual (Any Mode required)
  • Change Overrun Duration
  • Change Overrun Aggression
  • 95RON, 97RON and 99RON Fuel Quality available. Other's on request
  • Linear throttle response in Sports/Sport+ Modes
  • Reduced Torque in lower gears to aid traction
  • Cold start removal
  • Remove vehicle top speed
  • Manipulation of Exhaust Valve - Always open in Sports Mode


For a more detailed explaination of the tuning proccess of the B58 engine, be sure to read our B58 tuning guide found on the blog section. 

B58 Bootmod3 Custom TRS Tuning

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